Where do I find the Village Code?
You can view the Village of Westhampton Beach Municipal Code on our online database.
You can view the Village of Westhampton Beach Municipal Code on our online database.
The operation of any construction device or the performance or engagement in construction work, building, demolition, excavating, pile driving, hoisting, demolishing, dredging, hammering, or sawing within the limits of the Village of Westhampton Beach, other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday and between the hours of 8:00 … Continued
Please look at the Zoning Map and look for your street and that will tell you whether you live in the Village of Westhampton Beach or the Town of Southampton. The Village of Westhampton Beach jurisdiction on Dune Road ends at number 531 Dune Road.
Yes, any transfer of title requires an Updated Certificate of Occupancy. You may find that form under the Forms.
No, you do not need a permit to have a yard sale in the Village of Westhampton Beach, but you can not put any signs around the Village for the yard sale.
You need a permit to rent your house from May through September.
Yes, but this request must be made through the FOIL(Freedom Of Information Law) process. Click here to download the FOIL Request Form.